Koror State Public Hearing on August 9, 2018
Public Hearings to be held on Thursday, August 9, 2018 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm at the Koror State Government Assembly Hall on the following:
- Re-zoning application from Mr. Lucius Malsol to change the zone of his Leased property known as Lot no: 40009 and 40000A in Meda Loop, Medalaii Hamlet to “C” Commercial Zone, as the current zone of the area is “RC” Residential Commercial Zone, but he wishes to construct a Four Stories Condominium
- Re-zoning application for Ms. Grace Alexander and Ms. Jacqueline Alexander, to change the zone of their Leased property known as Lot no: 40484 in Itchetii, Iyebukel Hamlet to “R3” Multiple-Family Residential Zone, as the current zone of the area is “R2” Single-Family Residential Zone, but they wish to construct a Three Stories Residential Building
- Building and Zoning Permit application for Mr. Uchel Tmetuchl and Palau Majestic, for construction of the Sheraton Palau Resort, this would be a Sixteen Stories inclusive of the Basement, with One Hundred Fifty Five Rooms, Bars and Restaurants, Swimming Pools, Gym & Kids Club, Spa, Banquet Room, and other hotel amenities. The subject location is between the PDC Building and PNCC-Koror Office;
- Parking Areas – there will be Nineteen Stalls at the Front of the Resort and Thirty Nine would be on nearby Lots known as Lot No: 40374 A and B
PNCC August 2018 Sign-Up Specials
PNCC would like to thank everyone for the many years of support as we celebrate our 36th Anniversary. From August 1-31,2 018, PNCC is offering sign-up specials for all PNCC Internet subscriptions to help you get online.
- Save $40 with free installation for a new HomeNet phone line and enjoy super fast residential DSL service with home WiFi.
- Save $35 with free activation for PalauCel postpaid accounts (775). Postpaid data plans are now available. Enjoy the free and convenience of going online anywhere there is a cellular signal.
- Save $10 with free activation of a PalauNet UserID to log on to HomeNet and over 200 WiFi Hotspots
- Save $52.50 with 50% off installation for high-speed Internet DSL for businesses
Please call (680) 488-9000 for more information.
Weekend Mechesang (August 3-4, 2018)
Subed ra Kemeldillel a DAEMON FUKUICHI
Mlo smecher – July 22, 2018
Kemeldiil – Friday, August 3, 2018
A bedengel a mo tuobed ra mork ra 7:30am e mora misang ra Sacred Heart Church. A uriul ra ikelesia, eng mo mengemeldiil ra blil a Theodosia Blailes el ngara Ikelau, Oreor, el mo telial sils e mochu medakl ra olekull ra Katolic ra Ngerkebesang
Subed ra Kemeldillel a KESEWAOL SEKOOL
Ngelekel a Sekool Kibei ma Haruko Sekool
Kemeldiil – Saturday, August 4, 2018
A bedengel a mo tuobed ra mork e di melemalt el mora Ollei
Subed ra Kemeldillel a VALERIA OMIOU MEREB
Ngelekel a Bekyar ra Telungalek ra Esel
Mlo smecher – June 29,2 018
Kemeldiil – Saturday, August 4, 2018
A bedengel a mo tuobed ra mork e mora Ked Community Center, Airai e mengemeldiil el mo telial sils e mochu ra ked
Subed ra Kemeldiil ma Cheldecheduch ra JOHN PEDRO
Ngelekel a Pedro Ngowakl
Mlo smecher – July 11, 2018
Kemeldiil / Cheldecheduch – Saturday, August 4, 2018
A bedengel a mo tuobed ra mork ra 7:00am el mora Ikesesia ra Chadirngul a Hesus e mora Bai ra Chelangel, Ngerkesoaol e mengemeldiil el mo telial sils e mochu ra olekull ra Catholic
Mlo smecher – July 9, 2018
Kemeldiil – Saturday, August 4, 2018
A bedengel a mo tuobed ra mork ra 7:30am el mora Fisheries Dock e mo doiderekl el mo mengemeldiil ra Beliliou ra blil el mo telial sils e mochu medakl
Subed ra Kemeldillel a RITA DENGIR KAZUMA
Mlo smecher – July 3, 2018
Kemeldiil – Saturday, August 4, 2018
A bedengel a mo tuobed ra mork ra 8:15am e mora McManus Church, ea uriul ra misang eng mo tuobed el mora blai ra Ngermesekiu, Ngerbeched e mengemeldiil el mo 1:30pm e tuobed el mo kloi ra Esuroi, Airai el tal sikange mochu medakl